Rhythm and Balance - Through a Local's Lens

Through a Local's Lens

Photographs of my home 


“Indeed, balance is a prized commodity in our culture, and it is no surprise that our implicit, intuitive relationship with it has equipped us to sense balance--or imbalance--in the things we see, hear, smell, taste, and touch” (Lupton 49).

The Hills in my Backyard

Balance is needed to help us get a better sense of our world. It keeps us grounded and encourages us to understand more than what is in front of us. Balance gives us a better perception of our senses. I choose to share the elements of Rhythm and Balance, Scale, Texture in photos of my neighborhood, and home. In "The Hills in my Backyard" the components of balance, texture, and rhythm are utilized. Naturally, the eyes are drawn to the only tree in the photo. This is because the tree is in the center of two contrasting rhythms, balance, and textures. Textures of the sky and golden grass clash, as they fight for their own rhythm, and balance. All three design elements work together to perform juxtaposing behaviors that allow the eye to wander while accomplishing overall balance.



Citrus and  Friends
 When I am at home, I get a sense of vibrancy much like this bowl of fruit. Maybe while seeing the fruit you felt: Hungry? Happy? Bright?  This is because balance helps us feel. “If you touch something (it is likely) someone will feel it. If you feel something (it is likely) someone will be touched. Rick Valicenti” (Lupton 195). Often when I create art, I want the viewer to walk away feeling something, it was not till this reading that I realized that texture has a big impact on emotions. In the photos, the texture is a major component of the image. We see the texture in the rinds of the citrus, the juices on the freshly cut clementine, and the seedy strawberries. Adding the different colored fruit breaks the rhythm in the photo which adds the factor of the unexpected. Just like in "The Hills in my Backyard" the textures and asymmetry oppose each other to allow the gaze to shift achieving balance.

Excerpts From: Ellen Lupton. “Graphic Design.” Apple Books. 


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  1. OMG. Your photos are really really amazing!

  2. I love how you combine different types of fruit, shapes, and size to help your reader gain knowledge regarding balance. I learn so much from this short blog. You're rocking your blog every week. Can't wait to see and learn from your blog because of it!

  3. I really like your composition of a picture in fruits! I like randomly arrange more than symmetry. I think that it is a special beautiful.

  4. Seeing the fruit definitely made me happy and it elicited Pavlov's drooling in me too (guilty). The symmetry and texture in those oranges really is such a great way to connect to the reading. I would've never thought of it. Also, the juxtaposition of your backyard photograph really does bring the eye exploring the entire image. Love the QR code by the way!! super cute.


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